Normally, the nervous system which coordinates the other systems in the body is divided into two groups, namely:
1. central nervous system (CNS), which consists of the brain and spinal marrow, and
2. peripheral nervous system, which includes;
- Autonomic nervous system (SSO), see section V, and
- Brain and spinal nerves

Peripheral nervous systems continue to function electrical nerve impulses to and from the central nervous system, through each neuront efferent (motor) and afferent neurons (sensory).
Exogenous impulses received by the recipient cells (receptors) to then forward it to the brain or spinal cord. Stimulation can be either a stimulant (stimuli) pain, temperature, feeling, sight, hearing, and so forth. Specifically will be discussed in this section is associated with nerve impulses of pain centers (in brain), central sleep (in the hypothalamus), and mental capacity, which becomes the skin function of the brain (cortex).
Awareness of pain is formed from two processes, namely acceptance of pain stimuli in the brain and the emotional reactions of individuals to it. Analgesic affect the first process by increasing the threshold-consciousness of pain, while narcotics suppress psychological reactions caused by pain stimuli iti.
On the other hand, CNS function can be suppressed entirely by non-specific by-zatt substances, such as relief centers and sedativa hipnotika. As a result kesdaran to exogenous impulses derived and reduced physical activity and mental health. These drugs do not affect behavior (behavior) specifically, as does the tranquilizer, which besides that is also efficacious against CNS depression. Physiologic antagonist of these drugs are substances that stimulate the CNS, namely analeptika (wekamin) and anti depresiva. Both types of these drugs affect the spirit and atmosphere of the soul berdasarkkan direct activity of the brain.

For practicality, a drug that works against the CNS can be divided into major categories, which are described in separate chapters, namely:
1. psikofarmaka (psychotropic), which includes:
a. psikoleptika: types of drugs generally suppress and / or certain fungsi2 menghambatt of SSP, namely hipnotika, tranquilizer, and antipsikotika
b. psycho-analepptika: type of drug that stimulates the CNS, namely antidepresiva and psikostimulansia (wekamin)
2. types of drugs for neurological disorders, such as antiepileptika, MS (multiple sclerosis), and Parkinson's disease.
3. Types of drugs that block or block pain: analgesics, general anestetika, and local
4. Vertigo drugs and migraine medicine.

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